Friday, October 16, 2009

Oh to be a pie...

So I keep calling places and making appointmentss. One for G's dentist, another for my yearly (ugh, TMI, i know), another to get lead test results, and lastly looking up one concerning a H1N1 vaccine. Then I have to go to the store, return the wrong toilet bowl cleaners i purchased yesterday, and get the right ones, then off to an automotive shop to recycle my old car battery. All this with my 5 year old in tow! Today is no school, for teacher's meetings and what not...wonder what they do all day? Perhaps they need a day off from kids as well. ;)

So I'm busy today. Going to get all my writing done, going to work on running (if G will let me), and have to have all my household activities accomplished well before Mike arrives home. Same stuff, different day, with added chores. Bah.

So what is the randomness of me today? Beer. I'm looking forward to beer tonight. It's my way of celebrating surviving another week in order to enjoy one more weekend. This weekend looks forward to possible snow, freezing weather, and still no heat. So I must bake, bake, bake, to keep the house warm. This weekend's recipe: Apple Tart. I have no idea what the difference is between a tart and a pie, but I think its that tarts have chunks of apples and slices of apples wrapped in a crust, where as a pie sits on top of the crust, with another layer on top...I'll look it up...let's see what the world wide web says it is: AHHH, i see (says the blind man to his deaf dog)...very interesting. Here, I'll post the link so you can read it too, if you'd like

Anywho, off to be productive! Maybe I'll find a million dollar lottery ticket on the floor today! Or at the very least, and 5 dollar bill on the ground somehwere. That would make for a nice day!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Another quacky metaphor...

Ugh, it's such a bummer to try so hard to make friends. You'd think it would just occur and be easy. Lots of people I know make it look like nothin, then I go and try it and it just seems to fail. Oh well, perhaps I smell funny and no one wants to tell me. Or maybe it's because I expect something to happen right away. Maybe some friendships are like flowers and bloom slowly depending on the season of life, and others are like Falling stars, they happen quickly and overnight and stay with you for a lifetime. I like the falling stars best. Some of my very best friends are falling stars. But sad to say, my garden is quite bare.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Married Woman seeking...FRIENDS

An intelligent and beautiful friend of mine once pointed out that making new friends is similar to dating...and ugh, it really is like dating all over again...except you're not looking for a partner, you're looking for friends! haha

I've been putting myself out on these websites around this area hoping to meet people I can connect with, and I finally got the proverbial "bite." Turns out, I've seen her everday since G's school started, but we've never spoken til she recognized me from the forums we both frequent. So I try to dress casual, like I'm NOT trying to make an impression, but I really am, and I try to think of things to talk about. It's really nerve racking with all these thoughts running through my head, like "What should I say? What do I talk about? Should I ask for her number? Should I see if she ever wants to hang out, outside of picking our kids up?" So I just go with the flow. She was nice. She's lived here her whole life, so she doesn't have the same background I have. We have a nice time talking, but already there is so much different between us. She owns a house here, she's on the upper middle class (we're lower middle), she was born and raised here so all of her family and friends are from here...but despite all this I'm still going to try. I may not fit in, being the military spouse who moves a lot on a limited income, but I won't let that deter me from trying to make friends...At this point, at least I have an acquaintance for now. We'll see what happens in this "friendship dating."

Monday, September 28, 2009

Commercials to save the...(insert fundraiser)

You know the ones...they show you something horribly attrocious, squeeze tears out of your eyeballs, then give you hope, ONLY if you help by sending (name the price) each month! YOU CAN BE SOMEONE'S HERO!!!

Then the guilt sets in when you realize you should help, but you're not going to for whatever reason (i.e. tight income, lazy, broke, busy, etc, etc). But still, that guilt eats at you, especially when you see the crying child, or the starving dog, or the sad music with the american flag and/or the coffin...I'm happy to know that someone is out there fighting for whatever cause this is, but I whole heartedly agree with Dane Cook, we need people to kick our "*sses" into gear. Have that one guy in a biker jacket come out yelling at us, calling us lazy, telling us it's only "ten cents a day, a *&%#ing dime!" That guy would probably convince us to help more often than the sad music and depressed looking animals. Or maybe it wouldn't. Either way, now I need to go scrounge around and dump all my change into a "save the universe" fund somewhere. Or maybe I'll buy a bum a cheeseburger. Anything to satisfy this guilt...until the next commercial that makes me cry.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


It seems like it's the thing to do right now. I'm caught between the urge of wanting to do one, or the urge of thinking they are ridiculously like keeping up with the Jones'. I think all in all, I'd rather take a tour through Ireland's pubs and castles. That sounds more exciting than gaining 5 pounds (averaged) of fat sitting on a huge boat, seeing the beautiful waves of the ocean while swimming in a pool (very paradoxical if I do say so). I'd even eat haggis (which is a very gross, but popular dish of stew cooked in the stomach of a goat, or any rendition of that sort) just so I can experience something new and unique.

Today's thought...

I've been meaning to find a place to write things, but I'm not sure I want to be seen yet. I know posting on the internet is the complete opposite of being unseen, but I want to give it a try and get over that stage fright of having my words read. I love writing, but I just haven't had the patience, the drive, or the time to write. Well, I'm pushing myself to do it, because if I don't, it will never happen. And I have to start somewhere so here it is. I blame this blogging on my friend who suggested I start writing blogs. So here it is. Not sure what I'm going to write about, but I know I will write. Sometimes it'll just be thoughts, ideas, or things that have happened to me that I feel the urge to talk about...Other times, it might be poetry, stories, or bits and pieces of thought fragments that need to be catalogued and shared.

Either way, please enjoy reading, or not reading, whatever spews forth from here on out. If you like it, by all means, feel free to mention it. If you don't, then you are free to leave and live your life the way you so choose! ;) No contracts, no obligations, no twisting of the arm shall comence in order to get readers. This is just the randomness of me!