Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Married Woman seeking...FRIENDS

An intelligent and beautiful friend of mine once pointed out that making new friends is similar to dating...and ugh, it really is like dating all over again...except you're not looking for a partner, you're looking for friends! haha

I've been putting myself out on these websites around this area hoping to meet people I can connect with, and I finally got the proverbial "bite." Turns out, I've seen her everday since G's school started, but we've never spoken til she recognized me from the forums we both frequent. So I try to dress casual, like I'm NOT trying to make an impression, but I really am, and I try to think of things to talk about. It's really nerve racking with all these thoughts running through my head, like "What should I say? What do I talk about? Should I ask for her number? Should I see if she ever wants to hang out, outside of picking our kids up?" So I just go with the flow. She was nice. She's lived here her whole life, so she doesn't have the same background I have. We have a nice time talking, but already there is so much different between us. She owns a house here, she's on the upper middle class (we're lower middle), she was born and raised here so all of her family and friends are from here...but despite all this I'm still going to try. I may not fit in, being the military spouse who moves a lot on a limited income, but I won't let that deter me from trying to make friends...At this point, at least I have an acquaintance for now. We'll see what happens in this "friendship dating."

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