Monday, August 8, 2011

Now I lay me down to sleep...

Every night is a rush to be the first one comfortably lying in bed. It's a game really, one that my husband and I play every night. He was the first one lying down comfortably, having left the bathroom light on. I studiously ignored both facts and hopped into bed right next to him. This game is sort of like the "you're closer so you turn it off" "NO, you're the last one in bed so YOU turn it off" game that many couples play. You guys don't??? Huh...Anyways. While lying down next to him, there was that pause where both of us are contemplating who would be the first one to comment on it. I decided to comment on something else, to see if my lovingly sweet husband would be the man that I married and get out of bed first.

"Honey, I need pain meds and my pill." I thought for sure he'd just hop right out of bed and get those for me. Here is what he replies.

"I need antacids and a movie to be put on..." Yeah, we're THAT old! It seemed to happen over night. We both heartily laughed about those facts, then I hopped out of bed to get pain meds for my headache,  my pill, and also his antacids. While I was in the bathroom getting the products, he says nonchalantly...

"I don't really need antacids, I was just kidding." Har D Har Har. You got me honey. So I got the meds for myself alone, silently grumbling, and I turned the light off, and put a movie on, but then I noticed my water bottle was gone from the side of the bed!!! HA! I was to have the last laugh.

"Honey, I can't take my pill."

"Why  not?"

"My water is in the living room and it needs to be refilled (sigh and pout) I guess I'll go...." (pause, pouting even harder) He sighs, then shifts into the man I fell in love with.

"I'll go get it" he says. What a good man. I climb into bed, just a tiny bit smug, and wait for the most amazing man to join me. I win. :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

That was a bit...Awkward

Don't you love awkward moments? Don't you love awkward moments even more when you don't realize it's an awkward moment til it gets even more awkward? Don't you love the way awkward is spelled? (Can you tell I love the word awkward? Yeah? Ok, just making sure)

Well, I hate to admit it, but I am a pro at awkward moments. Not the cool pro that breezes over it, smoothes it over, makes it fun, and moves on. No no no, I'm definitely not that kind of pro. I'm more the pro at being completely ignorant of an awkward moment, and only when I analyze the moment later do I realize what it was and smack myself in the head and grunt. Yeah, I'm that pro.

Well recently, I went with my friend to McDonalds to eat, completely forgetting how much she said she hated the specific McD's that I chose. In my defense I chose it because of its closeness to our proximity. She is the type of person that will drive fifteen minutes out of her way to go to a different place for its better service, and I'm the lazy bloke that just chooses by ease of use and time efficiency. In this place, I'm a dying breed, also known as lower class. But I digress.

The kids were playing together in the McD's (not in a playplace, mind you, for the powers that be have decided that no McD's in our location should have playplaces anymore, lest the children want to run around and burn off the fryer grease and fat, heaven forbid!!), being loud and obnoxious as kids are want to do. I was not minding it, because they were getting along and for the most part behaving. I did not notice that my compadre was starting to clam up and become annoyed. I continued to chat with her, and make small talk, noticing that she was quieter than usual, but not thinking anything of it. Perhaps I shrugged it off as hunger, since the men in my life certainly get cranky when they are hungry. I may have thought her tight lipped expression was because the kids were being loud, and she continually had to shush them and make them sit down. When I made a joke about the McD's toys and her snappy one word answer was all I received, I started to get clued in that something was not right. When she had to go get ketchup because her daughter refused to eat her fries without it and had to wait in line for ten minutes, and came storming back to her table, I began to understand that maybe this was not a good idea having lunch here. Yes, I know, I'm slow.

She didn't say anything to me for the rest of the time, and I began to feel that itch of uncomfortableness sitting on my shoulders, like a metaphorical parrot saying the same thing over and over again "awwwwkwwwward." It became really apparent when her son asked if G and I could go over to her house afterwards, and she told him they had to go to the store, instead of an answer. She became even more stiff when he kept persisting that we go over after the store, and she didn't answer. It was all I needed to understand that our time of hanging out together was done. I told him sorry that we too had things to do, and we all left after saying our goodbyes.

I know, I know, that's not such a bad awkward experience, but its one of the most recent ones. Trust me, they are abundant in my life. Thankfully, despite my awkwardness in social settings, and my inability to respond in a smooth manner to things life throws at me, I still am able to plunder on and make friends. Those that know me, don't mind this part of me. In fact, they seem to like me even more, and that makes me less awkward. I believe those that surround me somehow make me a better version of myself, and I appreciate them all for it.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011 it me you're looking for?

So I've been thinking, and it seems to me that Mike and I have not been on a date in many many months, and we haven't had a vacation where it was just the two of us since B.C. (before child). How had we let this happen? How did we not notice that we have never once been alone together for longer than a few hours, or a night at the most? I blame our everyday lives. His life is consumed with work, his commute to/from work, and video games. (Okay, Okay, I'll admit it, I too play the games). My life is consumed with a cranky 6 year old, house work that NEVER seems to stay done (vicious evil cycle), and working out to try and get my arse back into shape (which kind of reminds me of the house work...huh). But since we've been apart these past few weeks, and we've had a bit of a tough time with it, I'm thinking perhaps we need some just us time. What the heck will we talk about if its just us and no little guy following us? What will we do? Where will we go? I'm not really sure, but I can tell you, I'll be glad to find out.