Wednesday, May 11, 2011 it me you're looking for?

So I've been thinking, and it seems to me that Mike and I have not been on a date in many many months, and we haven't had a vacation where it was just the two of us since B.C. (before child). How had we let this happen? How did we not notice that we have never once been alone together for longer than a few hours, or a night at the most? I blame our everyday lives. His life is consumed with work, his commute to/from work, and video games. (Okay, Okay, I'll admit it, I too play the games). My life is consumed with a cranky 6 year old, house work that NEVER seems to stay done (vicious evil cycle), and working out to try and get my arse back into shape (which kind of reminds me of the house work...huh). But since we've been apart these past few weeks, and we've had a bit of a tough time with it, I'm thinking perhaps we need some just us time. What the heck will we talk about if its just us and no little guy following us? What will we do? Where will we go? I'm not really sure, but I can tell you, I'll be glad to find out.